Quadrivio Group presents 'Technology and Made in Italy: how to make Italian enterprises winners on the current macro-economic scene' ‒ the event focusing on present macro-economic contexts and future prospects for SMEs
The event 'Technology and Made in Italy: how to make Italian enterprises winners on the current macro-economic scene' was held today ‒ Wednesday 4 May ‒ at the Ferrari Museum in Maranello and streamed live. Promoted by Quadrivio Group, the initiative saw leading figures in Italian business, finance, industry and journalism take part.
It was an opportunity for debate and reflection on the current macro-economic situations and future prospects for SMEs.
Opening the meeting was Alessandro Binello, Group CEO of Quadrivio Group, who voiced the standpoint of private equity investors in today's circumstances, underlining just how important it is for private equity operators to focus on specific sectors. It is no coincidence that today his group manages and supports three specialized funds pivoting on main megatrends: Healthcare & Longevity (Silver Economy Fund); Innovation & Development (Industry 4.0 Fund) and Luxury (Made in Italy Fund). However, simply investing in specialization is not enough. Initiatives hinged on internationalization and SME sustainability also need to be shaped in order to make these enterprises more competitive on a global scale.
After Mr Binello, Piero Ferrari addressed the gathering. In the year that the Prancing Horse is celebrating the 75th anniversary of its founding, the Vice President of Ferrari S.p.A. welcomed guests, embodying the spirit of a company that has always symbolized innovation and Made in Italy excellence worldwide.
The event topic was then examined by Prof. Carlo Pelanda, President of Quadrivio Group Italy, and Prof. Lucio Caracciolo, Editor-in-Chief of Limes, who took part in a two-man debate on the current geopolitical situation.
A third speech was by Benedetto Vigna, the new CEO of Ferrari S.p.A., who emphasised how today the main challenge facing enterprises, particularly in the automotive sector, is linked to the energy transition.
Then Valerio De Molli took the microphone. The CEO of The European House Ambrosetti stated: “With the present specific context, SMEs are showing themselves to be more resilient than large corporations regarding all the identified strategic KPIs ‒ providing further confirmation of the implications and opportunities deriving from these circumstances for the private equity world and the companies it invests in. As a sector operator and leader in supporting SME growth, Quadrivio Group plays a strategic role, offering enterprises resources and managerial skills to make them even more competitive.”
The European automotive sector ‒ with its ecological and technological transition ‒ was also central in the words by Marco Bonometti, Group Chairman of OMR: “Finance cannot exist without enterprise. Enterprise and finance have to join forces to rise to today's challenges, fostering the competitive capacity of the companies themselves and supporting work. We need to work to relaunch the prospects of the European car industry. Exceptional decisions are required in exceptional circumstances.”
The last speakers on stage were: Roberto Crapelli, Managing Partner at Industry 4.0 Fund, the Quadrivio Group private equity fund investing in the digital transition and innovation for SMEs; Alessio Candi, Partner at Made in Italy Fund, the Quadrivio & Pambianco apparatus investing in Italian excellence (Fashion, Design, Beauty, Food & Wine); and Stefano Malagoli, Partner at Silver Economy Fund, the group's first fund focusing on companies offering products and services specifically for the Silver Age realm.
Walter Ricciotti rounded off the proceedings. For the CEO of Quadrivio Group “Technology and Made in Italy today stand as the main engines for making Italian SMEs even sturdier and market winners worldwide.”