The Industry 4.0 Fund is born
INDUSTRY 4.0 FUND was presented today in Rome. The announcement of the new Fund was made in the presence of the major pension and retirement funds on the occasion of the End of Year Convention, the customary rendezvous promoted by Itinerari Previdenziali.
The Fund is the first specialized in the technological evolution of companies, in particular in the digital transformation of SMEs.
The mission of the Fund is to support and enhance the companies, providing the necessary capital for development, and to support the management by launching business initiatives aimed at accelerating its growth, both internal and external.
INDUSTRY 4.0 promotes strategic investments in new business models, pursued through investments in digital technologies such as collaborative and interconnected robots, 3D printing, internet of things, sharing of data and information along the supply chain with suppliers and customers, digital marketing, and cyber security. The intent is to increase the productivity and competitiveness of companies on a global scale.