Un fondo per l’IA nelle pmi
A fund for AI in SMEs
In the last 12 months, artificial intelligence has attracted capital from all over the world, directed both towards the shares of the companies most involved in its development and application, and towards managed saving instruments that have positioned themselves along the value chain of the AI with different specializations. For Quadrivio Group, one of the main Italian operators in the private equity sector, AI is already a reality in the analysis and choice of investments, but it will also be decisive in the mission of the next fund which will be launched by the end of the year. With over two billion euros raised and invested through seven specialized funds (of which four are still open), the group invests in SMEs with a strong vocation for internationalization, with the aim of transforming them into small multinationals. And here lies the key role of AI: “We accelerate the development path of the acquired companies, making them more managerialized and more competitive on a global scale,” Roberto Crapelli, managing partner of Quadrivio Group, explains. “With the new fund the focus will be solutions based on artificial intelligence capable of making processes more efficient and responses to new products on the market faster. Above all, these solutions will allow us to develop a new type of customer service, which does not exist yet but will be possible thanks to the speed and way of working of AI.”